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  1. Ho SM, Tsai WH, Lai CH, Chiang MH, Lee WP, Wu HY, Bai PY, Wu T, Wu CL*. (2024) Probiotic Lactobacillus spp. improves Drosophila memory by increasing lactate dehydrogenase levels in the brain mushroom body neurons. Gut Microbes, doi: 10.1080/19490976.2024.2316533. (*corresponding author).

  2. Chiang MH, Lin YC, Wu T, Wu CL*. (2023) Thermosensation and Temperature Preference: From Molecules to Neuronal Circuits in DrosophilaCells, doi: 10.3390/cells12242792.(*corresponding author).

  3. Chiang MH, Lin YC, Chen SF, Lee PS, Fu TF, Wu T, Wu CL*. (2023)Independent insulin signaling modulators govern hot avoidance under different feeding states. PLoS Biology, doi: 10.1371/journal.pbio.3002332. eCollection 2023 Oct.(*corresponding author).

  4. Chen SL, Liu BT, Lee WP, Liao SB, Deng YB, Wu CL, Ho SM, Shen BX, Khoo GH, Shiu WC, Chang CH, Shih HW, Wen JK, Lan TH, Lin CC, Tsai YC, Tzeng HF, Fu TF. (2022)WAKE-mediated modulation of cVA perception via a hierarchical neuro-endocrine axis in Drosophila male-male courtship behaviour. Nature Communications, doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-30165-2.

  5. Chiang MH, Ho SM, Wu HY, Lin YC, Tsai WH, Wu T, Lai CH, Wu CL*. (2022). Drosophila Model for Studying Gut Microbiota in Behaviors and Neurodegenerative Diseases. Biomedicines,doi: 10.3390/biomedicines10030596.(*corresponding author).

  6. Hsu CY, Yeh JY, Chen CY, Wu HY, Chiang MH, Wu CL, Lin HJ, Chiu CH, Lai CH . (2021).Helicobacter pylori cholesterol-α-glucosyltransferase manipulates cholesterol for bacterial adherence to gastric epithelial cells. Virulence, doi: 10.1080/21505594.2021.1969171.

  7. Lee WP, Chiang MH, Chang LY, Shyu WH, Chiu TH, Fu TF, Wu T, Wu CL*. (2021). Serotonin Signals Modulate Mushroom Body Output Neurons for Sustaining Water-Reward Long-Term Memory in Drosophila. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology,  doi: 10.3389/fcell.2021.755574. eCollection 2021.(*corresponding author).

  8. Cheng KC, Chen YH, Wu CL, Lee WP, Cheung CHA, Chiang HC. (2021).Rac1 and Akt Exhibit Distinct Roles in Mediating Aβ-Induced Memory Damage and Learning Impairment. Molecular Neurobiology, doi: 10.1007/s12035-021-02471-1.

  9. Lee WP, Chiang MH, Chang LY, Lee JY, Tsai YL, Chiu TH, Chiang HC, Fu TF, Wu T, Wu CL*. (2020) Mushroom body subsets encode CREB2-dependent water-reward long-term memory in Drosophila. PLOS Genetics, 16(8): e1008963. (*corresponding author).

  10. ​Lien WY, Chen YT, Li YJ, Wu JK, Huang KL, Lin JR, Lin SC, Hou CC, Wang HD, Wu CL, Huang SY, Chan CC*. (2020). Lifespan regulation in α/β posterior neurons of the fly mushroom bodies by Rab27. Aging Cell, e13179 doi 10.1111/acel.13179.

  11. Sneapati B, Tsao CH, Juan YA, Chiu TH, Wu CL, Waddell S, Lin S*. (2019, Oct). A neural mechanism for deprivation state-specific expression of relevant memories in Drosophila. Nature Neuroscience, 22. 2029-2039.

  12. Chen YR, Li YH, Hsieh TC, Wang CM, Cheng KC, Wang L, Lin TY, Cheung CHA, Wu CL, Chiang H* (2019, Jun). Aging-induced Akt activation involves in aging-related pathologies and Aβ-induced toxicity. Aging Cell, doi: 10.1111/acel.12989.

  13. Shyu WH, Lee WP, Chiang MH, Chang CC, Fu TF, Chiang HC, Wu T, Wu CL* (2019). Electrical synapses between mushroom body neurons are critical for consolidated memory retrieval in Drosophila. PLOS Genetics, doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1008153. (*corresponding author).

  14. Lien HM, Wu HY, Hung CL, Chen CJ, Wu CL, Chen KW, Huang CL, Chang SJ, Chen CC, Lin HJ*, Lai CH* (2019). Antibacterial activity of ovatodiolide isolated from Anisomeles indica against Helicobacter pylori. Scientific Reports, 9:4205/doi:10.1038/s41598-019-40735-y.

  15. Chen YA, Tzeng D TW, Huang YP, Lin CJ, Lo UG, Wu CL, Lin H, Hsieh JT, Tang CH*, Lai CH* (2018). Antrocin sensitizes prostate cancer cells to radiotherapy through inhibiting PI3K/AKT and MAPK signaling pathways. Cancers, 11: 34; doi:10.3390/cancer11010034.

  16. Wu CL*, Chang CC, Wu JK, Chiang MH, Yang CH, Chiang HC (2018). Mushroom body glycolysis is required for olfactory memory in Drosophila. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 150: 13-19. (*corresponding author).

  17. Chi KC, Tsai WC, Wu CL, Lin TY*, Hueng DY* (2018). An adult Drosophila glioma model for studying pathometabolic pathways of gliomagenesis. Molecular Neurobiology, doi: 10.1007/s12035-018-1392-2.

  18. Chen YA, Shih HW, Lin YC, Hsu HY, Wu TF, Tsai CH, Wu CL, Wu HY, Hsieh JT, Tang CH, Lai CH* (2018). Simvastatin sensitizes radioresistant prostate cancer cells by compromising DNA double-strand break repair. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 9: 600.

  19. Ji XR, Cheng KC, Chen YR, Lin TY, Cheung CHA, Wu CL, Chiang HC* (2018). Dysfunction of different cellular degeneration pathways contributes to specific β-amyloid42-induced pathologies. FASEB Journal, 32(3): 1375-1387.

  20. Shyu WH, Chiu TH, Chiang MH, Cheng YC, Tsai YL, Fu TF, Wu T, Wu CL* (2017). Neural circuits for long-term water-reward memory processing in thirsty Drosophila. Nature Communications, 8: 15230; doi: 10.1038/ncomms15230. (*corresponding author).

  21. Yang CN, Wu MF, Liu CC, Jung WH, Chang YC, Lee WP, Shiao YJ, Wu CL, Liou HH, Lin SK, Chan CC* (2017) Differential protective effects of connective tissue growth factor against Aβ neurotoxicity on neurons and glia. Human Molecular Genetics, 26(20): 3909-3921.

  22. Chen SL, Chen YH, Wang CC, Yu YW, Tsai YC, Hsu HW, Wu CL, Wang PY, Chen LC, Lan TH*, Fu TF* (2017). Active and passive sexual roles that arise in Drosophila male-male courtship are modulated by dopamine levels in PPL2ab neurons. Scientific Reports, 7:44595/doi:10.1038/srep44595.

  23. Yang CH, Shih MF M, Chang CC, Chiang MH, Shih HW, Tsai YL, Chiang AS, Fu TF, Wu CL* (2016). Additive expression of consolidated memory through Drosophila mushroom body subsets. PLOS Genetics, 12(5): e1006061. (*corresponding author).

  24. Wu CL*, Fu TF, Chiang MH, Chang YW, Her JL, Wu T (2016). Magnetoreception regulates male courtship activity in Drosophila. PLOS One, 11(5): e0155942 (*corresponding author).      

  25. Shih HW#, Wu CL#*, Chang SW, Liu TH, Lai SY, Fu TF, Fu CC, Chiang AS* (2015). Parallel circuits control temperature preference in Drosophila during ageing. Nature Communications, 6: 7775; doi: 10.1038/ncomms8775.  (#co-first authors, *co-corresponding authors).

  26. Kuo SY#, Wu CL#, Hsieh MY, Lin CT, Wen RK, Chen LC, Chen YH, Yu YW, Wang HD, Su YJ, Lin CJ, Yang CY, Guan HY, Wang PY, Lan TH*, Fu TF* (2015). PPL2ab neurons restore sexual responses in aged Drosophila males through dopamine. Nature Communications, 6: 7490; doi: 10.1038/ncomms8490. (#co-first authors).

  27. Wu CL*, Fu TF, Chou YY, Yeh SR (2015). A single pair of neurons modulates egg-laying decisions in Drosophila. PLoS One, 10(3): e0121335. (*corresponding author).

  28. Wu CL, Shih MF M, Lee PT, Chiang AS* (2013). An octopamine-mushroom body circuit modulates the formation of anesthesia-resistant memory in Drosophila. Current Biology, 23: 2346-2354.

  29. Wu TH, Lu YN, Chuang CL, Wu CL, Chiang AS, Krantz DE, Chang HY*. (2013). Loss of vesicular dopamine release precedes tauopathy in degenerative dopaminergic neurons in a Drosophila model expressing human tau. ACTA NEUROPATHOLOGICA, doi: 10.1007/s00401-013-1105-x.

  30. Kuo SY, Tu CH, Hsu YT, Wang HD, Wen RK, Lin CT, Wu CL, Huang YT, Huang GS, Lan TH, Fu TF* (2012). A hormone receptor-based transactivator bridges different binary systems to precisely control spatial-temporal gene expression in Drosophila. PLOS One, 7(12): e50855.

  31. Chen CC, Wu JK, Lin HW, Pai TP, Fu TF, Wu CL, Tully T, Chiang AS* (2012). Visualizing long-term memory formation in two neurons of Drosophila brain. Science, 335: 678-685.

  32. Wu CL, Shih MF M, Lai J SY, Yang HT, Turner CG, Chen L, Chiang AS* (2011). Heterotypic gap junctions between two neurons in the Drosophila brain are critical for memory. Current Biology, 21: 848-854.

  33. Chang YC, Hung WZ, Chang YC, Chang HC, Wu CL, Chiang AS, Jackson GR, Sang TK* (2011). Pathogenic VCP/TER94 alleles are dominant actives and contribute to neurodegeneration by altering cellular ATP level in a Drosophila IBMPFD model. PLOS Genetics, 7(2): e1001288.

  34. Wu CL, Chiang AS* (2008). Genes and circuits for olfactory-associated long-term memory in Drosophila. Journal of Neurogenetics, 22: 257-284.

  35. Wu CL, Xia S, Fu TF, Wang H, Chen YH, Leong D, Chiang AS*, Tully T* (2007). Specific requirement of NMDA receptors for long-term memory consolidation in Drosophila ellipsoid body. Nature Neuroscience, 10(12): 1578-1586.

  36. Xia S, Miyashita T, Fu TF, Lin WY, Wu CL, Pyzocha L, Lin IR, Saitoe M, Tully T, Chiang AS* (2005). NMDA receptors mediate olfactory learning and memory in Drosophila. Current Biology, 15: 603-615.


  1. Wu CL, Invited speaker. 2019 Asia-Pacific Drosophila Neurobiology Conference. January 16th-20th 2019, Taipei, Taiwan. Electrical synapses in Kenyon cells are critical for Drosophila olfactory memory.

  2. Wu CL, Invited speaker. The 13th Across the Taiwan Strait Symposium on Cell Biology. July 18th-22th 2018, Xining, China. Parallel brain circuits regulate long- and short-term memories in fruit fly.

  3. Wu CL, Invited speaker. EMBO Workshop on Neural Development. March 2nd-6rd 2018, Taipei, Taiwan. Water reward memory in Drosophila.

  4. Wu CL, Invited speaker. NPAS Symposium on Drosophila Neurobiology. July 26th 2017, Taipei, Taiwan. Water reward long-term memory in Drosophila.

  5. Wu CL, Invited speaker. The 16th Society of Chinese Bioscientists in America (SCBA) International Symposium; June 29 –July 3, 2017. Hangzhou, China. Synaptic Plasticity.

  6. Wu CL, Invited speaker. NCTS 2017 Challenges in Neuroscience. April 14, 2017, Hsinchu, Taiwan. Neural circuits for water reward long-term memory in Drosophila.

  7. Wu CL, Invited speaker. The 23th symposium on recent advances in cellular and Molecular Biology; Feb. 4-6, 2015. Kenting, Taiwan. Novel Technology: Brain circuits for consolidated memory in Drosophila.

  8. Wu CL, Invited speaker. SFN Neuroscience 2013; Nov. 9-13, 2013. San Diego, USA. Electrical coupling and microcircuits: Network operation and plasticity.

  9. Wu CL, Invited speaker. The 14th SCBA International Symposium; July. 18-22, 2013. Xi’an, China. The fly brain: Circuits and behavior.


  1. Shih MFM, Wu CL* (2017, May) Network functions and Plasticity—Gap Junction Underlying Labile Memory. ELSEVIER (*corresponding author)


  1. 開發用以增強雄性性慾與雌性生育率之標靶益生菌
    (補助單位:國科會; 執行期間:2024/6/1~2025/5/30)


  2. 飽足與飢餓的大腦訊號改變熱躲避行為的機轉探討
    (補助單位:國科會; 執行期間:2023/8/1~2025/7/31)

  3. 探討果蠅長期記憶固化與讀取的機轉
    (補助單位:國科會; 執行期間:2021/8/1~2023/7/31)

  4. 開發用以增強老年人記憶及穩定情緒之標靶益生菌
    (補助單位:國科會; 執行期間:2020/7/1~2021/6/30)


  5. 調控果蠅水獎勵長期記憶形成之大腦神經機制。
    (補助單位:科技部; 執行期間:2017/8/1~2020/7/31)


  6. 果蠅水獎勵式記憶之神經網路探討。
    (補助單位:科技部; 執行期間:2015/8/1~2017/7/31)


  7. 果蠅大腦固化型記憶之神經與分子機制。
    (補助單位:科技部; 執行期間:2015/8/1~2016/7/31)


  8. 果蠅腦內中期記憶相關之分子與神經網路探討。
    (執行期間:2012/8/1~2015/7/31; 補助單位:科技部)


  9. 微小動物行為即時監控生物球 --以果蠅為例(子計畫四):生物球刺激源模組整合開發與測試。
    (補助單位:科技部; 執行期間:2012/8/1~2015/7/31)


  10. 蕈狀體外源神經細胞之電性突觸及化學性突觸對果蠅記憶的影響。
    (補助單位:科技部; 執行期間:2012/1/1~2012/12/31)



Department of Biochemistry & Graduate Institute of Biomedical Sciences, College of Medicine, Chang Gung University, Kwei-Shan, Tao-Yuan, 33302, Taiwan.

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